Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Smothers Only - Final Results

Katy glared hatefully at the other woman across the ring, still seething from Scarlett's brush-off of her in her pre-fight interview. Scarlett didn't even give Katy the satisfaction of looking in her direction, another obvious slight against the brunette. The bell rang and Katy sprinted toward the blonde, she couldn't wait to tear into the blonde bimbo. Scarlett was more aware than she lead on before the fight and effortlessly stepped to the side a moment before Katy crashed into her and disappeared from the brunette's vision as she sailed past and smashed hard into the much less forgiving turnbuckle.

"Pathetic." Scarlett says, the word full of malice. The blonde saunters up beside the groaning Katy and bends down to eye level with her while placing her right hand on the back of Perry's neck. Forcing Katy's face towards hers, Scarlett glares into her eyes, "How did you even make it this far in this tournament?" she asks. "You're just another pretender that's going to be slumbering under my tits in few short minutes." With that, Scarlett yanked back hard on Katy's neck, tossing her to her back on the mat. 

With Katy on her back, Scarlett proceeded to stomp on the downed woman. Katy wasn't too fond of this and managed to grab the blonde's foot, rolling over, she forced Scarlett to stumble and then topple down to the mat herself. Scarlett had made it up to her haunches when Katy lunged at her and knocked her back down. Katy immediately straddled the surprised the blonde, pinning her wrists to the mat above her head. Before fully straddling Scarlett, Katy rammed her knee hard into Johansson's crotch; and then did it again, getting an agonized groan after each one.

"Just a pretender, huh?" Katy scolds the blonde as she straddles her waist, going tit to tit with Scarlett. "How's this for 'pretending'?" Katy asks a moment before slamming her tits down onto the blonde's. Scarlett shamefully couldn't stifle the groan as Katy's breasts crushed hers against her chest. Hearing that groan made Katy smile from ear to ear, and when she did it a second time, getting an even louder groan, she laughed down at the blonde. 

Scarlett was livid at the very thought of Katy's tits defeating hers, the fact that the bitch was proving it filled her with rage. While Katy was busy gloating Scarlett snapped her head forward, smashing it into Katy's chin, stunning the brunette long enough for Scarlett to shove her off and reverse positions with Perry. 

"I've had about enough of you, you pitiful bitch!" Scarlett yells down at the pinned brunette. Wanting to prove just how much better she was than Katy, Scarlett dropped her breasts down onto the brunette's, she loved the feeling of crushing another woman's tits beneath her perfect pair. But something was very wrong, Katy's breasts were holding firm underneath Scarlett's. Johansson shifted position, trying to get more leverage, but nothing was effective, Katy's breasts were actually forcing Scarlett's back into her chest from the bottom, causing the blonde a considerable amount of discomfort.

Scarlett was in disbelief, but the breast battle was irrelevant, so she peeled Katy off the mat, kneed her in the stomach and threw her into the nearest corner with a meaty thud. Scarlett charged the defenseless brunette but was met with a boot to her gut, doubling her over in front of Katy who proceeded push Scarlett onto her back with one dismissive finger in the middle of her forehead.

Katy straddled Scarlett once again, but this time she ripped open the front of the blonde's top, exposing her completely nude breasts to the crowd, who were very appreciative. Sliding the remaining material down Johansson's arms, Katy used it to tie the blonde's hands together behind her back, making sure Scarlett was well and trapped. 

"So, any last words you overrated bitch?" Katy asks the blonde as she runs her fingers down her cleavage. Scarlett's only rebuttal was a seething glare as her nostrils flared with rage. "Well okay then, Ms Anger management issues." Katy gets to a seated position on Scarlett's thighs and brings the blonde up as well, her face perfectly level with Perry's cleavage. Reaching behind the blonde's head and neck, Katy wrapped one hand in the blonde's hair and the other latched onto her neck, Scarlett's head secured, Katy ever so slowly pulled Johansson's face into her breasts. The moment the blonde's face made contact however, Katy pulled her back out, then she pushed her back in and held it for a few seconds before releasing again.

This torture for Scarlett continued for several minutes until Katy folded Scarlett's face to her breasts for good, or what seemed like it, at the moment Katy felt that Johansson was on the verge of losing consciousness, Katy pulled the gasping blonde out again. Scarlett was a wreck, her face was pasty and crisscrossed with matted blonde hair, her eyes were half closed and unfocused, and her breaths were raspy and labored. "Just ... end it ... you ... miserable ... bitch." Scarlett groaned.

"That's up to you, dear." Katy replied. "Tell everyone who has the better tits."

"You do."

"Say my name."

"Katy Perry has better tits than I do." Scarlett cried out as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"That's a good girl." Katy said simply as she shoved Scarlett's face into the furnace of her cleavage one final time, this time riding out the final shudders of consciousness as they left the blonde's body. Katy pulled Scarlett's face out of her breasts for the last time, letting the snoozing blonde fall backwards to the mat.

Getting to her feet as the bell rang signifying her victory, Katy rubbed the ball of her over Scarlett's unquestionably conquered tits as she struck a victory pose.

Post Fight: "I told you I was going to make that bitch eat her words. I doubt she's gonna be so cocky now that her tits are nothing special."
*Scarlett refused any post fight questions*
Katy won 56% - 44%

1 comment:

  1. well seems people really don't know how to pick the better fighter :P
